I Am JUlia Henning

Conscious Community + Coaching

Supporting individuals with a permission slip of Authenticity

Forget Satisfied…

How about


(Without the guilt?)

Are you CURIOUS about what your life could look like?


Ready for more BALANCE in your relationships and work?

Ready to ENGAGE in deeper connections and experiences?

Don’t you want to ENJOY life not just survive it?

Eager to DISCOVER and become your most authentic self?

Do you YEARN to color outside the lines?

Want to REVEL in your process on your own time?



Hi! I’m Julia. I help individuals looking to make lasting life changes. Focusing on Millennials and Gen Z'ers, I work with those who are invested in personal growth and who want support in navigating tough situations.

Julia Henning is a Los Angeles-based certified conscious life + relationship coach and retreat leader with a Master's degree in psychology.

THE Permission Portal PODCAST

Join host Julia Henning: Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Coach, and Spirit Junkie as she explores the big questions and even bigger feelings of what it means to be alive. Casual right!? This portal was created to celebrate purpose, pleasure, and permission. Whether you want to up-level your consciousness, expand your knowledge, escape for a second, or listen to know you’re not alone, Julia offers herself and this portal as the ultimate permission slip to be human. Whatever that means. So take off the mask and slip into something authentic if you’re ready to dive in.

Welcome to the Permission Portal.



Conscious Relationship Coaching


Conscious Life Coaching 16 Sessions


Conscious Life Coaching 32 Sessions


The Backyard Banquets

A Los Angeles community-focused event that aims to elevate mindfulness and wellness in an approachable and digestible way. We believe that communal conversations and open sharing can be powerful tools for personal growth and building a supportive community.

The Backyard Banquet is a Permission Portal event that provides a safe and welcoming space for open-minded, open-hearted conversations about what it means to be human. Our Sharemonies encourage personal sharing and bonding from a place of reception and curiosity.

Each month we offer workshops and services led by Julia and members of our community, designed to provide you with tools to integrate mindfulness into your daily practice and inspire you to live more authentically and expansively. A nourishing night of mind, body, and spirit. And?! It’s free.



I’m here to greet you with grace. To embrace where you are starting, what has led you to this moment, and where you want to go by holding a deeply loving space for what is active and alive. For you or your partnership, together, we can light a match and fire up your deepest desires.

Let pleasure be your guide.

Enter the Permission Portal

You’ll set goals and watch yourself achieve them as you uncover roadblocks, move through fear-based programming, and claim what is yours. You will heal on deeper levels leading to rich fulfillment. We will pamper your soul by working from the inside out with healing breathwork, visualization, and esoteric techniques. I utilize practical psychological studies with methods like Enneagram, Astrology, Archetypes, Human Design, and more. Authenticity is Pleasure: Pleasure is Permission.

You write the manual that teaches the world to love you.



And tomorrow is a new day.
A new chance to become everything you’ve ever dreamt of.